K'gari Fraser Island Cleanup News Update
19th December 2022
The K'gari Fraser Island Clean up committee would like to thank you for your support in 2022 and look forward to seeing you at the 2023 event.
Check out our Shop for some Great Christmas present ideas perhaps a Cleanup Shirt, Cap, or Hoodie.
As a registered member, you can easily check any Merch or Meals you have purchased in your admin area which you will find under the Account Tab of the website www.ficu.org.au
Registration numbers are increasing every day so let your fellow club members know to get a riggle on so they don't miss out.
Trip Leaders, there is a page set up on the website under Account to help keep you up to date and if you would like a list of your members registered please email web@ficu.org.au The Trip Leader day will be the 6th of May at the 4wd Qld Association hall in Brisbane. More details on this in the future.
CAOS is our Diamond sponsor again in 2023 Please visit our Sponsors page and show your support as without sponsors this event wouldn't happen.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
K'gari Fraser Island Cleanup Committee