About Us
Our Purpose & Commitment to Members
The Four Wheel Drive Association Queensland is the peak body representing the common interests of four wheel drive owners and club members across Queensland. We recognise the passion our members have across many great outdoor activities, therefore we strive to build strong and supportive communities for like-minded people across our great State.
We engage with Government to lobby our advocacy agenda particularly on topics such as track access and vehicle modifications. We deliver four wheel drive training and education to ensure safety and knowledge sharing is always front of mind. Supporting our 4WD member clubs is important to our success.
We provide this through good governance, good systems, financial health, communication and the commitment of our people. By doing so, we seek to offer the most relevant products and services to our members at the most affordable price.
Management Committee
The Four Wheel Drive Association Queensland management team is made up of ten administrative positions and several general committee members.
Who are we?
Our team consists of:

Vice President
Darren Kennedy - Gold Coast 4wd Club
G’day, I’m Darren Kennedy, and I am continuing in the role of Vice President of 4WD Qld again this year. I have been an active club member since 2019, and I’ve also been President and Vice President of Gold Coast 4WD club. I'm currently a member of the Twin Rivers club and am keen to progress 4WDing across Qld and get better outcomes for our members.
Email: vicepresident@4wdqld.com.au

Barry Bryett - Bundaberg 4WD Club Inc
Barry has been part of the 4WD scene for 50 years, previously president of the Land Rover Owner’s Club – Sydney Branch and previous president of Bundaberg Four Wheel Drive Club Inc. Currently their treasurer and Insurance and Risk Coordinator.
Email: treasurer@4wdqld.com.au

Chris Reid - Mitsubishi Owners Club of Qld
Chris joined his club in 2021 and has been an active member of the club's committee since 2022. He joined Four Wheel Drive Queensland committee in 2023 as the Secretary and has now taken on the ITC Officer role.
Email: secretary@4wdqld.com.au
Phone: 0478 798 865

Committee Member – CARE Sub Committee Chair
Joe Elmore - Ipswich 4wd Club
Email: care@4wdqld.com.au

Committee Member – Public Relations (PR)
Michelle Borsody-Nagy - Qld Nissan Patrol 4wd Club
Michelle joined her club in 2019 and has been an active member of the club's committee for the past two years. She joined Four Wheel Drive Queensland committee in 2023 as the Public Relations Officer.
Email: pr@4wdqld.com.au
Phone: 0499 912 820

Committee Member – Insurance
Guy Camilleri - Qld Nissan Patrol 4wd Club
Guy has been in the Qld Nissan Patrol 4WD club for 14 years and has been on their committee for 11 years have served in the roles of secretary a number of times, treasurer at present, Training co-ordinator for 8 years and association delegate for two years. Guy is presently driving a BT 50 but have had a variety of vehicles over the years including Patrols, Toyotas and even a Triton.
Guy is 64 years old and now retired, but still trains at Qld Nissan Patrol 4WD club DAP’s. He was a diesel fitter and taught at TAFE for 33 years specialising in fluid power. Interests include camping, fishing, 4Wdriving and travelling. Guy has just put his hand up in 2024 to do the insurance role for 4WD QLD.
Email: insurance@4wdqld.com.au

Committee Member – Hall Co-Ordinator
Michael McDonell, Queensland Nissan Patrol 4WD Club Inc
Michael is an active 4WDer within his club as well as a member of the club committee. He did his first term on the association committee in 2021.
Makka is also on the Kgari Fraser Island Clean Up Committee
Email: michael.mcdonell@4wdqld.com.au
Phone: 0402 470 574

Committee Member – K'gari Island Clean up Coordinator
Charlene Brown, QLD 4wd Club
Charlene is an experienced 4WD enthusiast and passionate advocate for K'gari’s environmental preservation. As the Coordinator of the K'gari Clean Up event, she leads efforts to unite volunteers and 4WD clubs in beach clean-up initiatives and conservation work.
A former president of the Queensland 4x4 Club, Charlene has a strong background in leadership within the 4WD community, promoting responsible off-road practices. She is active member of both the Brisbane 4WD and Queensland 4x4 Clubs.
Email: admin@kgaricleanup.au

Chris Reid - Mitsubishi Owners Club of Qld
Chris joined his club in 2021 and has been an active member of the club's committee since 2022. He joined Four Wheel Drive Queensland committee in 2023 as the Secretary and has now taken on the ITC Officer role.
Email: it@4wdqld.com.au
Phone: 0478 798 865